Sunrise these days is around 5:45am, or so my phone tells me. Either way, if you get up around that time and ride your bike up the A.R.T., you will often see stuff like this in the winter: heat off the water as it hits the cold air (the temperature this morning was 29 degrees).

Cairns...or simply the ancient, hippie tradition of stacking and balancing rocks?

If you chose the first option, I'm afraid you may get seriously lost out here...

I don't think I could ever logically get rid of my Surly Big Dummy. This is, by far the most practical day-to-day machine I own.

I used to think bike bells were for nerds...I was wrong--they are so sick!! I got this shiny new, very LOUD bell. If you have not invested in one for your bike yet, I recommend them only because of the following reasons: they typically look sweet, they help cars/pedestrians/dogs/sheep/goats/pigs/squirrels/friends/etc. know you are in the near vicinity, they sound delightful, they complete your bike.

Once again, riding through fog is so refreshing.

And, as a grand finale...witness the new addition to the Big Dummy: a (cheesy) custom wood half-crate. I really love having stuff easily accessible on the front of my bike.
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